Meet our lab member #1, Juhyung Park! (Ph.D Student)
Our paper, entitled “A Case for Application-managed Flash”, was accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Computers!
A research paper entitled “A Case for Application-managed Flash” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Computers. The paper is authored by Jinhyung Koo, Chanwoo Chung (MIT CSAIL), Prof. Arvind (MIT CSAIL) and Prof. Sungjin Lee at Data-Intensive
Our Ph.D. Student, Junsu Im, participate in the internship program of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), from July to August, 2019.
Our Ph.D. Student, Junsu Im, participate in the internship program of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), from July to August 2019. We have dinner with Prof. Arvind.
Our paper, entitled “Towards Scalable Analytics with Inference-enabled Solid-state Drives”, was accepted to the IEEE Computer Architecture Letters!
Our paper, entitled “Towards Scalable Analytics with Inference-enabled Solid-state Drives”, was accepted to the IEEE Computer Architecture Letters!
Our paper, entitled “Alleviating Garbage Collection Interference Through Spatial Separation in All Flash Arrays”, was accepted to the 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference!
Our paper, entitled “Alleviating Garbage Collection Interference Through Spatial Separation in All Flash Arrays”, was accepted to the 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference! 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference is one of the most prestigious conferences in computer systems.
Our paper, entitled “PCDedup: I/O-Activity Centric Deduplication for Improving the SSD Lifetime”, was accepted at the ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys 2019)!
Our paper, entitled “PCDedup: I/O-Activity Centric Deduplication for Improving the SSD Lifetime”, was accepted at the ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys 2019)! It is Prof. Lee’s collaborative work with SNU.
Our paper, entitled “File Fragmentation in Mobile Devices: Measurement, Evaluation, and Treatment” was accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing!
Our paper, entitled “File Fragmentation in Mobile Devices: Measurement, Evaluation, and Treatment” was accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing! IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing is one of the prestigious journal in communications.
Our paper, entitled “Lifetime-aware Solid-state Disk (SSD) Cache Management for Video Servers” was accepted to the Multimedia Systems!
Our paper, entitled “Lifetime-aware Solid-state Disk (SSD) Cache Management for Video Servers” was accepted to the Multimedia Systems! It is Prof. Lee’s collaborative work with Inha University and TmaxSoft.
Our paper, entitled “CPR for SSDs” was accepted to the Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS `19)!
Our paper, entitled “CPR for SSDs” was accepted to the Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS `19)! It is Prof. Lee’s collaborative work with SNU and Chungbuk National University.
Our student, Junsu Im and Jinhyung Koo was awarded for student travel grant on ASPLOS’19!

Our students, Junsu Im and Jinhyung Koo, was awarded for student travel grant on ASPLOS’19 (Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems). ASPLOS is one of the most prestigious conferences in operating systems and computer architecture field.