Our paper, entitled “SyncGC: A Synchronized Garbage Collection Technique for Reducing Tail Latency in Cassandra”, was accepted at the ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys 2018)! Prof. Lee’s long-time collaborator, Shane Hahn, is also one of the co-authors!
Our paper accepted at NVMSA’18!
Our paper, entitled “Improving I/O Performance of Large-Page Flash Storage Systems Using Subpage-Parallel Reads”, was accepted at the IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA ’18)!
Dinner with 2018 Summer Interns
DataLab had a farewell party for the interns! 6 undergraduate students successfully finished the intern programs that ran from Jul 2 to Aug 10.
Our paper accepted at USENIX ATC’18!
Our paper, entitled “FastTrack: Foreground App-Aware I/O Management for Improving User Experience of Android Smartphones”, was presented at the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC ’18), 2018. This is a joint work with SNU, and Shane Hahn, Prof. Lee’s long-time collaborator, is
Our paper accepted at USENIX HotStorage 2018!
Our paper, entitled “PCStream: Automatic Stream Allocation Using Program Contexts”, was presented at the USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (USENIX HotStorage 2018) , 2018.
Our paper accepted at ICDCS’18!
Our paper, entitled “SSD-Insider: Internal Defense of Solid-State Drive against Ransomware with Perfect Data Recovery”, was presented atthe IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS ’18), 2018.
Dinner with 2018 Winter Interns
DataLab had a farewell party for the interns! 10 undergraduate students successfully finished the intern programs that ran from Jan 2 to Feb 28.
Two master students attented KSC’17

Two master students, Youngdon Jung and Hanbeol Kim, attented KSC’17 that was held in Busan, December 20-22, 2017.
Our paper accepted at USENIX FAST’18!
Our paper, entitled “RFLUSH: Rethink the Flush”, was accepted at the USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’18)! This is a collabration work with Prof. Eunji Lee at CNU.
Prof. Lee to Serve as Organizing Committee for NVRAMOS ’17
Prof. Lee served as an organizing committee for NVRAMOS ’17.